Hero_At_Heart Wiki


STR: N/A    INT: 30

AGL: N/A    WLP: 85

DEX: N/A    FTH: 45

REF: N/A    FOC: 50

FOR: N/A    PSY: 45

PER: 5      LCK: 120

FEAR: 75




Malevolent Spirits are the ghosts of evil people who were able to cling to life after death and still remain, haunting the location they haunted the most in life. They look just like they did in life, only certain features are amplified and exaggerated.


Malevolent spirits haunt the place where the spirit spent most of their time in life, normally a certain room in their home.

Modus Operandi[]

Malevolent Spirits remain dormant until someone enters their home, especially the room they haunt. They normally start by performing small actions, such as Knocking or Appearing in mirrors or windows. They then build up energy by feeding on various things that are sources of power to them (see Feed under their characteristics), and use that power to perform larger feats, until finally they have enough power to Manifest and murder their target.


Malevolent spirits can be exorcised, banished, or trapped as usual, but the best way to defeat them is to find the article in their home that they were closest to in life and destroy it completely.

Story Seed[]

For decades, the Carliss House has been the center of rumors and fireside stories. Everyone knows about the teenagers that went in to spend the night ten years ago and never came out. When a superstitious farmer burns the house down, he finds his own farm burning when he gets home, and the next day the house is undamaged. Someone needs to go in and end
this once and for all.
