Hero_At_Heart Wiki


STR: 100    INT: 10

AGL: 40     WLP: 10

DEX: 40     FTH: 5

REF: 40     FOC: 25

FOR: 300    PSY: 5

PER: 5      LCK: 5

FEAR: 150




A Terrible Monster is a creature formed from the dead and decomposing bodies of its victims. It starts out with a single zombie-like creature killing its first victim. As it eats its prey, it becomes engorged on it until the victim becomes a part of it. With every victim it grows, until it becomes what is known as the Terrible Monster, a giant mass of rotten flesh with thousands of arms, legs, jaws, eyes, and torsos.


The Terrible Monster has only ever been reported once, in a small, poor Jewish community. It is unknown if such a creature will ever appear again, but it could do so anywhere.

Modus Operandi[]

The Terrible Monster, which starts with the stats of a common zombie, will eat and engorge on its prey until it is so stuffed that it just shoves the parts into its mouth and lets them dangle from its slavering jaws. Unable to fit it anywhere else, it will insanely shove the parts into itself, unaware that this will not slake its hunger for flesh or thirst for blood. As it kills more victims and tries to eat them, it will become larger and larger. Soon, it will become massive, devouring every living thing in sight and adding them to its body. The end result is formless, shapeless horror, and it will never stop.


Good luck with that.

Story Seed[]

A man walking alone at night sees a strange creature walking toward him. He tries to avoid it, but in the end it catches up to him. His cell phone is found with his final moments recorded, and it seems as though the creature is a slender naked human male with a distended belly and the much larger, more muscular, and very hairy arm hanging from its broken-open jaws. The creature is seen again a week later with a man broken in half and shoved directly into its stomach, arms and legs both pointing straight out, the head ripped off and being held by the hand in the mouth. Thus begins the most terrifying time in the history of the residents of this small community.
